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Funny Videos

Here is a few videos.......New ones coming soon
If you have any videos you want us to add to this page, email me, Mikage, at mikage_mic@hotmail.com  saying the funny video's link and what you want to be called by. We will put the name you gave us in parenthesis, after the link to the funny video. Mine and M2H's name will also be after the funny video we posted in parenthesis. All funny videos must be that of PG-13 or lower.

This video is super funny...I think it never gets old: click http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/demented.php



You might think this is a little awkward: click http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/debate.php

All you need to do is click on this http://atomfilms.shockwave.com/af/content/goodtobeindc_af then click on the "watch film" button that appears... its funny.

Email funny videos to me, Mikage, at mikage_mic@hotmail.com